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  • 教育背景

    博士(2017/09-2023/06): 华中农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业

    学士(2013/09-2017/06): 河南科技学院,动物科学专业

  • 工作经历

    2023/07 - 至今:浙江农林大学欧洲杯竞猜官网推荐入口畜牧学科 讲师

  • 研究方向


  • 发表论文



    An, Z., Zhao, J., Zhang, X., Gao, S., Chen, C,... & Yang, L. Effects of Capsicum oleoresin inclusion on rumen fermentation and lactation performance in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) during summer: In vitro and in vivo studies. Fermentation, 2023.

    An, Z., Luo, G., Gao, S., Zhang, X., Gao, S., Chao C., Yao, Z., ... & Yang, L. Evaluation of parity effect on characteristics and minerals in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) colostrum and mature milk. Foods, 2023.

    Li A., An Z., Li C., CuiX., Li K, ... & Wu Y., Salt-contaminated water exposure induces gut microbial dysbiosis in chickens. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2023.


    An, Z., Luo, G., Abdelrahman, M., Riaz, U., Gao, S., Yao, Z., ... & Yang, L. Effects of capsicum oleoresin supplementation on rumen fermentation and microbial abundance under different temperature and dietary conditions in vitro. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022.

    An, Z., Abdelrahman, M., Zhou, J., Riaz, U., Gao, S., Gao, S., & Yang, L. Prepartum maternal supplementation of Capsicum oleoresin improves colostrum quality and buffalo calves' performance. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2022.

    An, Z., Zhang, X., Gao, S., Zhou, D., Riaz, U., Abdelrahman, M., & Yang, L. Effects of Capsicum Oleoresin Supplementation on Lactation Performance, Plasma Metabolites, and Nutrient Digestibility of Heat Stressed Dairy Cow. Animals, 2022.

    Zhang, X., An, Z., Niu, K., Chen, C., Ye, T., Shaukatc, A., & Yang, L.. Evaluation of type traits in relation to production, and their importance in early selection for milk performance in dairy buffaloes. Animal, 2022.
