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徐义刚, 1978年生,吉林汪清人,博士/博士后,三级教授,博士生导师。浙江省免疫学会动物免疫专业委员会副主任委员、国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家、教育部学位论文通讯评议专家;主要从事病原微生物学与免疫学方面的教学与科研工作,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划项目子课题、浙江省自然科学基金重点项目等项目10余项;发表学术论文200余篇,其中在Journal of Virology等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文86篇;获授权国家发明专利24件;参编著作3部,参与制定行业标准6项;获省部级科技进步二等奖、三等奖等各级科技奖励20余项;担任Virus Research期刊高级编委、Frontiers in Immunology期刊Guest Editor(客座主编),以及Lancet Infect Dis、J Virol、J Agri Food Chem、Virulence、Transbound Emerg Dis、Microb Cell Fact、Emerg Microbes Infect等30余SCI期刊特邀审稿人。

  • 通讯地址





  • 教育背景

    博士(2004/09-2007/06): 东北农业大学动物医学学院,预防兽医学专业

    硕士(2001/09-2004/06): 东北林业大学野生动物资源学院,动物学专业

    学士(1997/09-2001/06): 吉林农业大学中药材学院,野生动物保护与利用专业

  • 工作经历

    2021/04 - 至今:浙江农林大学动物医学学院 教授 反刍动物疫病研究团队负责人

    2015/12 - 2021/03:东北农业大学动物医学学院 教授

    2008/02 - 2015/11:黑龙江出入境检验检疫局 兽医师、高级兽医师

    2009/02 - 2014/05:东北农业大学食品科学与工程博士后流动站 博士后

  • 学术兼职


    2.兼任Virus Research期刊高级编委(2023-)





    7.兼任Frontiers in Immunology期刊Guest Editor(客座主编)

    8.兼任Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology期刊Guest Editor(客座主编)









    17.Lancet Infect Dis、J Virol、J Agri Food Chem、Front Immunol、Transbound Emerg Dis、Microb Cell Fact、Emerg Microbes Infect、Virulence等30余种SCI期刊审稿人

  • 课程教学




  • 获奖荣誉













































  • 研究方向

    1. 功能性益生菌与畜禽绿色生态健康养殖

    2. 牛病毒性腹泻病病毒感染致病机制研究

    3. 动物(宠物)疫病诊断与治疗抗体创制

  • 科研项目

    1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人,NSFC 32273017,2023.01-2026.12)




    5.国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目负责人,NSFC 31672591,2017.01-2020.12)








  • 发表论文


    73. Li Y, Song JG, Jiang S, Han YY, Yang YQ, Zhong LH, Zhou JY, Wang M, Song HH*, Xu YG*. Canine distemper virus (CDV)-neutralizing activities of an anti-CDV canine-derived single-chain variable antibody fragment 4-15 (scFv 4-15) screened by phage display technology. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023,128645.

    72. Yao X, Zhong LH, Wang MM, Wang M, Han YY, Wang YX, Zhou JY, Song JG, Li Y*, Xu YG*. Up-regulated lncRNA CYLD as a ceRNA of miR-2383 facilitates bovine viral diarrhea virus replication by promoting CYLD expression to counteract RIG-I-mediated type-I IFN production. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023,127351.

    71. Ma YY, Han YY, Li Y, Fan WL, Yao X, Huang XN, Wang M, Jiang S, Zhao JH, Qiao XY*, Song HH*, Xu YG*.Augmentation of 3β-hydroxysteroid-Δ24 reductase(DHCR24) expression induced by bovine viral diarrhea virus infection facilitates viral replication via promoting cholesterol synthesis. Journal of Virology, 2022, 96(24): e01474-22.

    70. Fan WL, Wang YX, Jiang S, Li Y, Yao X, Wang M, Zhao JH, Sun XB, Jiang XX, Zhong LH, Han YY, Song HH*, Xu YG*. Identification of key proteins of cytopathic biotype bovine viral diarrhea virus involved in activating NF-κB pathway in BVDV-induced inflammatory response. Virulence, 2022,13(1): 1884-1899.

    69. Gao XW, Sun XB, Yao X, Wang YX, Li Y, Jiang XX, Han Y, Zhong LH, Wang L*, Song HH*, Xu YG*. Down-regulation of the long non-coding RNA IALNCR targeting MAPK8/JNK1 promotes apoptosis and antagonizes bovine viral diarrhea virus replication in host cells. Journal of Virology. 2022, 96(17):e01113-22.

    68. Ma YY, Wang L, Jiang XX, Yao X, Huang XN, Zhou K, Yang YQ, Wang YX, Sun XB, Guan XT*, Xu YG*. Integrative transcriptomics and proteomics analysis provide a deep insight into bovine viral diarrhea virus-host interactions during BVDV infection. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022,13,862828.

    67. Wang YX, Jiang S, Jiang XX, Sun XB, Guan XT, Han YY, Zhong LH, Song HH, Xu YG*. Cloning and codon optimization of a novel feline interferon omega gene for production by Pichia pastoris and its antiviral efficacy in polyethylene glycol-modified form. Virulence. 2022,13(1):297-309.

    66. Huang XN, Ma YY, Wang YX, Niu C, Liu ZM, Yao X, Jiang XX, Pan RH, Jia S, Li DD, Guan XT, Wang L*, Xu YG*. Oral probiotic vaccine expressing Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) ORF81 protein delivered by chitosan-alginate capsules is a promising strategy for mass oral vaccination of carps against KHV infection. Journal of Virology. 2021,95(12):e00415-21.

    65. Xie WC, Song LY, Wang XY, Xu YG, Liu ZS, Zhao DF, Wang SB, Fan XL, Wang ZR, Gao C, Wang XN, Wang L, Qiao XY, Zhou H, Cui W, Jiang YP, Li YJ, Tang LJ. A bovine lactoferricin-lactoferrampin-encoding Lactobacillus reuteri CO21 regulates the intestinal mucosal immunity and enhances the protection of piglets against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88 challenge. Gut Microbes. 2021,13(1):e1956281.

    64. Gao XW, Niu C, Wang Z, Jia S, Han MJ, Ma YY, Guan XT*, Wang L, Qiao XY, Xu YG*. Comprehensive analysis of lncRNA expression profiles in in cytopathic biotype BVDV-infected MDBK cells provides an insight into biological contexts of host-BVDV interactions. Virulence. 2021,12(1):20-34.

    63. Jia S, Yao X, Yang YQ, Niu C, Zhao Y, Zhang XM, Pan RH, Jiang XX, Sun XB, Qiao XY, Guan XT*, Xu YG*. Isolation, identification, and phylogenetic analysis of subgroup III strain of bovine respiratory syncytial virus contributed to outbreak of acute respiratory disease among cattle in Northeast China. Virulence. 2021,12(1):404-414.

    62. Shi W, Jia S, Guan XT, Yao X, Pan RH, Huang XN, Ma YY, Wei J, Xu YG*. A survey of jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) infection in sheep in the three northeastern provinces of China. Archives of Virology. 2021,166:831-840.

    61. Bai J, Qiao XY, Ma YY, Han MJ, Jia S, Huang XN, Han B, Wang L, Li YJ, Xu YG*. Protection efficacy of oral bait probiotic vaccine constitutively expressing tetravalent toxoids against Clostridium perfringens exotoxins in livestock (rabbits). Vaccines. 2020,8:17.

    60. Wang XN, Li FS, Han MJ, Jia S, Wang L, Qiao XY, Jiang YP, Cui W, Tang LJ, Li YJ, Xu YG*. Cloning, prokaryotic soluble expression, and analysis of antiviral activity of two novel feline IFN-ω proteins. Viruses. 2020,12:335.

    59. Jia S, Zhou K, Pan RH, Wei J, Liu ZM, Xu YG*. Oral immunization of carps with chitosan–alginate microcapsule containing probiotic expressing spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) G protein provides effective protection against SVCV infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2020,105:327-329.

    58. Jia S, Huang XN, Li H, Zheng DZ, Wang L, Qiao XY, Jiang YP, Cui W, Tang LJ, Li YJ, Xu YG*. Immunogenicity evaluation of recombinant Lactobacillus casei W56 expressing bovine viral diarrhea virus E2 protein in conjunction with cholera toxin B subunit as an adjuvant. Microbial Cell Factories. 2020,19:186.

    57. Guan XT, Li H, Han MJ, Jia S, Feng BH, Gao XW, Wang Z, Jiang YP, Cui W, Wang L, Xu YG*. Epidemiological investigation of feline infectious peritonitis in cats living in Harbin, Northeast China from 2017 to 2019 using a combination of an EvaGreen-based real-time RT-PCR and serum chemistry assays. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 2020,49:101495.

    56. Wang XN, Qiao XY, Zhao HY, Li FS, Sui L, Tang YD, Guo YY, Jiang YP, Wang L, Zhou H, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Establishment of Vero stable cell lines expressing TMPRSS2 and MSPL: A useful tool for propagating porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in absence of exogenous trypsin. Virulence. 2020,11(1):669-685.

    55. Huang X, Ma S, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Xu YG, Li YJ*, Tang LJ*. Lactobacillus johnsonii-activated chicken bone marrow-derived dendritic cells exhibit maturation and increased expression of cytokines and chemokines in vitro. Cytokine. 2020,136:155269.

    54. Huang X, Zhang J, Liu Z, Wang M, Fan X, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Xu YG, Li YJ, Tang LJ*. Genome-wide analysis of differentially expressed mRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs in chicken bursae of Fabricius during infection with very virulent infectious bursal disease virus. BMC Genomics. 2020,21:724.

    53. Wang L, Zhao D, Sun B, Yu M, Wang Y, Ru Y, Jiang Y, Qiao X, Cui W, Zhou H, Li Y, Xu YG*, Tang LJ*. Oral vaccination with the porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV-2) capsid protein expressed by Lactococcus lactis induces a specific immune response against PCV-2 in mice. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2020,128(1):1-14.

    52. Huang X#, Xu YG#, Lin Q#, Guo W, Zhao D, Wang C, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Li Y, Ma GP*, Tang LJ*. Determination of antiviral action of Long Non-coding RNA loc107051710 during infectious bursal disease virus infection due to enhancement of interferon production. Virulence. 2020,11:68-79.

    51. Ding GJ, Bai J, Feng BH, Wang L, Qiao XY, Zhou H, Jiang YP, Cui W, Tang LJ, Li YJ*, Xu YG*. An EGFP-marked recombinant lactobacillus oral tetravalent vaccine constitutively expressing α, ε, β1, and β2 toxoids for Clostridium perfringens elicits effective anti-toxins protective immunity. Virulence. 2019,10(1):754-767.

    50. Wang YX, Feng BH, Niu C, Jia S, Sun C, Wang Z, Jiang YP, Cui W, Wang L*, Xu YG*. Dendritic cell targeting of bovine viral diarrhea virus E2 protein expressed by Lactobacillus casei effectively induces antigen-specific immune responses via oral vaccination. Viruses. 2019,11:575.

    49. Ma ST#, Qiao XY#, Xu YG#, Wang L, Zhou H, Jiang YP, Cui W, Huang XW, Wang XN, Tang LJ*, Li YJ*. Screening and identification of a chicken dendritic cell binding peptide by using a phage display library. Frontier in Immunology. 2019,10:1853.

    48. Gao XW, Wang ZW, Wang YX, Liu ZM, Guan XT, Ma YY, Zhou H, Jiang YP, Cui W, Wang L*, Xu YG*. Surveillance of norovirus contamination in commercial fresh/frozen berries from Heilongjiang Province, China, using a TaqMan real-time RT-PCR assay. Food Microbiology. 2019,82:119-126.

    47. Song LY, Xie WC, Liu ZH, Guo D, Zhao DF, Qiao XY, Wang L, Zhou H, Cui W, Jiang YP, Li YJ, Xu YG*, Tang LJ*. Oral delivery of a Lactococcus lactis strain secreting bovine lactoferricin-lactoferrampin alleviates the development of acute colitis in mice. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019,103:6169-6186.

    46. Wang Y, Sun A, Sun Y, Zhang S, Xia T, Guo T, Hao Z, Sun L, Jiang Y, Qiao X, Cui W, Tang L, Xu YG, Li YJ*, Wang L*. Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus inhibits NF-κB activity via nonstructural protein 3 to evade host immune system. Virology Journal. 2019,16:97.

    45. Jia S, Ding G, Wang C, Feng B, Wang Z, Wang L, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X, Tang L, Li YJ*, Xu YG*. N-linked glycosylation sites in G protein of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) affect its virulence and immunogenicity in rainbow trout. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2019, 89:537-547.

    44. Gao XW, Ma YY, Wang Z, Bai J, Jia S, Feng BH, Jiang YP, Cui W, Tang LJ, Li YJ, Wang L*, Xu YG*. Oral immunization of mice with a probiotic Lactobacillus casei constitutively expressing the α-toxoid induces protective immunity against Clostridium perfringens α-toxin. Virulence. 2019,10(1):166-179.

    43. Jia S, Feng BH, Wang Z, Ma YY, Gao XW, Jiang YP, Cui W, Qiao XY, Tang LJ, Li YJ, Wang L*, Xu YG*. Dual priming oligonucleotide (DPO)-based real-time RT-PCR assay for accurate differentiation of four major viruses causing porcine viral diarrhea. Molecular and Cellular Probes. 2019,47:101435.

    42. Wang L, Xia T, Guo TT, Ru Y, Jiang YP, Cui W, Zhou H, Qiao XY, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing capsid protein VP60 can serve as vaccine against rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus in rabbits. Vaccines. 2019,7:172.

    41. Jiang YP, Jia S, Zheng DD, Li FS, Wang S, Wang L, Qiao X, Cui W, Tang LJ, Xu YG, Xia XZ*, Li YJ*. Protective Immunity against Canine Distemper Virus in Dogs Induced by Intranasal Immunization with a Recombinant Probiotic Expressing the Viral H Protein. Vaccines. 2019,7:213.

    40. Wang L, Qiao XY, Zhang SJ, Qin Y, Guo TT, Hao ZY, Sun L, Wang XN, Wang YN, Jiang YP, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus nonstructural protein contributes to inflammation via NF-κB activation. Virulence. 2018,9(1):1685-1698.

    39. Xie SY, Shi YM, Gong RY, Cui W, Jiang YP, Liu M, Wang L, Zhou H, Qiao XY, Li YJ, Xu YG*, Tang LJ*. Identification of antigenic epitopes of monoclonal antibodies against the VP2 protein of the 25 serotype of bluetongue virus. Veterinary Microbiology. 2018,219:136-143.

    38. Ma ST, Wang L, Huang XW, Wang XN, Chen S, Shi W, Qiao XY, Jiang YP, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Oral recombinant Lactobacillus vaccine targeting the intestinal microfold cells and dendritic cells for delivering the core neutralizing epitope of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Microbial Cell Factories. 2018,17:20.

    37. Ma S, Ding G, Huang X, Wang Z, Wang L, Yu M, Shi W, Jiang Y, Tang L, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Immunogenicity in chickens with orally administered recombinant chicken-borne Lactobacillus saerimneri expressing FimA and OmpC antigen of O78 avian pathogenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2018,67(3):1-11.

    36. Wu Y, Wang L, Guo TT, Jiang YP, Qiao XY, Sun L, Liu M, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Identification of amino acid residues in infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) NV protein necessary for viral replication and pathogenicity. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2018,79:294-302.

    35. Wang XN, Wang L, Zheng DZ, Chen S, Shi W, Qiao XY, Jiang YP, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Oral immunization with a Lactobacillus casei-based antiporcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV) vaccine expressing microfold cell-targeting peptide Co1 fused with the COE antigen of PEDV. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2018,124:368-378.

    34. Hou X, Jiang X, Jiang Y, Tang L, Xu YG, Qiao X, Liu M, Cui W, Ma GP*, Li YJ*. Oral immunization against PEDV with recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing dendritic cell-targeting peptide fusing COE protein of PEDV in piglets. Viruses. 2018,10:106.

    33. Zhou H, Li XC, Wang ZY, Yin JY, Tan HC, Wang L, Qiao XY, Jiang YP, Cui W, Liu M, Li YJ, Xu YG*, Tang LJ*. Construction and characterization of thymidine auxotrophic (ΔthyA) recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing bovine lactoferricin. BMC Veterinary Research. 2018,14:206.

    32. Hou R, Li M, Tang T, Wang R, Li Y, Xu YG, Tang L, Wang L, Liu M, Jiang Y, Cui W, Qiao X*. Construction of Lactobacillus casei ghosts by Holin-mediated inactivation and the potential as a safe and effective vehicle for the delivery of DNA vaccines. BMC Microbiology. 2018,18:80.

    31. Wang XN, Wang L, Huang XW, Ma ST, Yu ML, Shi W, Qiao XY, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Oral delivery of probiotics expressing dendritic cell-targeting peptide fused with porcine epidemic diarrhea virus COE antigen: A promising vaccine strategy against PEDV. Viruses. 2017,9:312.

    30. Xu YG, Chai LH, Shi W, Wang DD, Zhang JY, Xiao XH*. Transcriptome profiling and digital gene expression analysis of the skin of Dybowski's frog (Rana dybowskii) exposed to Aeromonas hydrophila. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017,101:5799-5808.

    29. Xu YG, Sun LM, Wang YS, Chen PP, Liu ZM, Li YJ, Tang LJ*. Simultaneous detection of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in seafood using dual priming oligonucleotide (DPO) system-based multiplex PCR assay. Food Control. 2017,71:64-70.

    28. Yu ML, Wang L, Ma ST, Wang XN, Wang YS, Xiao Y, Jiang YP, Qiao XY, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Immunogenicity of eGFP-Marked Recombinant Lactobacillus casei against Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus. Viruses. 2017,9:274.

    27. Zhao L, Guo Z, Liu J, Wang Z, Wang R, Li Y, Wang L, Xu YG, Tang L, Qiao X*. Recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing Clostridium perfringens toxoids α, β2, ε and β1 gives protection against Clostridium perfringens in rabbits. Vaccine. 2017,35:4010-4021.

    26. Shi W, Fan WL, Bai J, Tang YD, Wang L, Jiang YP, Tang LJ, Liu M, Cui W, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. TMPRSS2 and MSPL Facilitate Trypsin-Independent Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Replication in Vero Cells. Viruses. 2017,9:114.

    25. Fan WL, Wang ZW, Qin Y, Sun C, Liu ZM, Jiang YP, Qiao XY, Tang LJ, Li YJ, Xu YG*. Use of dual priming oligonucleotide system-based multiplex RT-PCR combined with high performance liquid chromatography assay for simultaneous detection of five enteric viruses associated with acute enteritis. Journal of Virological Methods. 2017,243:80-82.

    24. Shi W, Jia S, Zhao HY, Yin JY, Wang XN, Yu ML, Ma ST, Wu Y, Chen Y, Fan WL, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Novel Approach for Isolation and Identification of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Strain NJ Using Porcine Intestinal Epithelial Cells. Viruses. 2017,9:19.

    23. Sun C, Wang ZW, Li JX, Fan WL, Qiao XY, Liu ZM, Li SL, Tang LJ, Li YJ, Xu YG*. A rapid and sensitive method for simultaneous screening of nine foodborne pathogens using high-performance liquid chromatography assay. Food Analytical Methods. 2017, 10:1117-1127.

    22. Wu Y, Guo M, Hua X, Duan K, Lian G, Sun L, Tang L, Xu YG, Liu M, Li YJ*. The role of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) proteins in the modulation of NF-κB pathway during IHNV infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2017,63:500-506.

    21. Xu YG, Sun B, Zhao H, Liu Z, Jiang Y, Wang L, Qiao X, Li YJ, Tang LJ*. Development and evaluation of a dual priming oligonucleotide system-based multiplex PCR assay for simultaneous detection of six foodborne pathogens. European Food Research and Technology. 2017,243(4):555-563.

    20. Yin JY, Guo CQ, Wang Z, Yu ML, Gao S, Bukhari SM, Tang LJ, Xu YG*, Li YJ*. Directed chromosomal integration and expression of porcine rotavirus outer capsid protein VP4 in Lactobacillus casei ATCC393. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016,100:9593-9604.

    19. Xu YG, Liu ZM, Zhang BQ, Qu M, Mo CS, Luo J, Li SL*. Development of a novel target-enriched multiplex PCR (Tem-PCR) assay for simultaneous detection of five foodborne pathogens. Food Control. 2016,64:54-59.

    18. Liu ZM, Xu YG*, Luo J, Qu M, Mo C, Li SL. Target-enriched multiplex PCR (Tem-PCR) assay for simultaneous detection of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157H7 in food. Journal of Food Safety. 2016,36:180-185.

    17. Xu YG, Yu H, Zhang L, Liu M, Qiao XY, Cui W, Jiang YP, Wang L, Li YJ, Tang LJ*. Probiotic properties of genetically engineered Lactobacillus plantarum producing porcine lactoferrin used as feed additive for piglets. Process Biochemistry. 2016,51:719-724.

    16. Xu YG, Zong X, Han B, Li YJ, Tang LJ. Lactobacillus pentosus expressing porcine lactoferrin elevates antibacterial activity and improves the efficacy of vaccination against aujeszky’s disease. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica. 2016,64(3):289-300.

    15. Yu M, Qi R, Chen C, Yin J, Ma S, Shi W, Wu Y, Ge J, Jiang Y, Tang L, Xu YG*, Li Y*. Immunogenicity of recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing F4 (K88) fimbrial adhesin FaeG in conjunction with a heat-labile enterotoxin A (LTAK63) and heat-labile enterotoxin B (LTB) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli as an oral adjuvant in mice. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2016,122:506-515.

    14. Cui LC, Guan XT, Liu ZM, Tian CY, Xu YG*. Recombinant lactobacillus expressing G protein of spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) combined with ORF81 protein of koi herpesvirus (KHV): A promising way to induce protective immunity against SVCV and KHV infection in cyprinid fish via oral vaccination. Vaccine. 2015,33:3092-3099.

    13. Xu YG, Cui LC*, Liu ZM, Li DD, Li SL, Zhao MC. Simultaneous detection of five pathogenic Vibrio species in seafood by a multiplex polymerase chain reaction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography assay. Food Control. 2015,53:109-116.

    12. Xu YG, Liu ZM, Guan XT, Cui LC*, Li SL. Dual priming oligonucleotide (DPO)-based multiplex PCR assay for specific detection of four diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in food. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2015,61:146-152.

    11. Xu YG, Guan XT, Liu ZM, Tian CY, Cui LC*. Immunogenicity of recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum expressing classical swine fever virus E2 protein in conjunction with thymosin α-1 as an adjuvant in swine via oral administration. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2015,81:3745-3752.

    10. Xiao XH, Miao HM, Xu YG*, Zhang JY, Chai LH, Xu JJ. Analysis of skin and secretions of Dybowski’s frogs (Rana dybowskii) exposed to Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli identifies immune response proteins. Veterinary Journal. 2014,200:127-132.

    9. Xu YG, Cui LC, Wang HW, Huo GC, Li SL*. Characterization of the capsid protein VP2 gene of a virulent strain NE/09 of porcine parvovirus isolated in China. Research in Veterinary Science. 2013,94(2):219-224.

    8. Yang SJ, Xiao XH*, Xu YG*, Li DD, Chai LH, Zhang JY. Induction of antimicrobial peptides from Rana dybowskii under Rana grylio virus stress and bioactivity analysis. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2012,58:1-8.

    7. Luan FX, Tao R, Xu YG*, Wu J, Guan XJ. High-throughput detection of genetically modified rice ingredients in foods using multiplex polymerase chain reaction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography method. European Food Research and Technology. 2012,234(4):649-654.

    6. Xu YG, Cui LC*, Li SL, Li DD, Zhang XB, Huo GC. Development and clinical validation of a multiplex polymerase chain reaction-denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography method for the identification of foodborne diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Food Safety. 2012,32:6-12.

    5. Xu YG, Cui LC, Tian CY, Li SL, Cao JL, Liu ZM, Zhang GC*. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography assay for simultaneous detection of six foodborne pathogens. Food Control. 2012,25(2):778-783.

    4. Xu YG, Cui L, Tian C, Zhang G, Huo G, Tang LJ, Li YJ*. Immunogenicity of Recombinant Classic Swine Fever Virus CD8+T Lymphocyte Epitope and Porcine Parvovirus VP2 Antigen Co-expressed by Lactobacillus casei in Swine via Oral Vaccination. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 2011,18(11):1979-1986.

    3. Li SL, Zhang XB, Wang DG, Kuang YY, Xu YG. Simple and Rapid Method for Detecting Foodborne Shigella by a Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP). Journal of Rapid Methods & Automation in Microbiology (Journal of Food Safety). 2009,17:65-475.

    2. Xu YG, Li YJ*. Construction of recombinant Lactobacillus casei efficiently surface displayed and secreted porcine parvovirus VP2 protein and comparison of the immune responses induced by oral immunization. Immunology. 2008,124(1):68-75.

    1. Xu YG, Li YJ*. Induction of immune responses after intragastric administration of mice with lactobacillus casei producing porcine parvovirus protective antigen VP2 protein. Applied and Environment Microbiology. 2007,73(21):7041-7047.

  • 出版刊物

    1.《主要贸易国家(地区)生态标签制度概况》,东北林业大学出版社,2014年8月,书号:ISBN 978-7-5674-0473-1,副主编

    2.《生物化学:生物分子知识精要》,东北林业大学出版社,2013年12月,书号:ISBN 978-7-5674-0359-8,副主编

    3.《检测实验室培训教程》,东北林业大学出版社,2009年8月,书号:ISBN 978-7-81131-413-7,参编

  • 授权专利


    21. 徐义刚,王紫微,王丽,范文禄,朱妍. 一种猫干扰素ω及其制备方法和在抗病毒中的应用.发明专利号:ZL 201811126498.0

    20. 徐义刚,范文禄,王丽,王紫微,朱妍.猫干扰素ω、其编码基因及其在抗病毒方面的应用.发明专利号:ZL 201811125211.2

    19. 徐义刚,王紫微,王丽,姜艳平,唐丽杰,李一经.用于猪流行性腹泻病毒、猪传染性胃肠炎病毒以及猪轮状病毒检测的DPO引物组及其应用.发明专利号:ZL 201810054827.9

    18. 徐义刚,王紫薇,王丽,施雯,唐丽杰,李一经.一种用于猫传染性腹膜炎病毒检测的RT-PCR引物组,含有该引物组的试剂盒及其应用.发明专利号:ZL 201711008696.2

    17. 徐义刚,王紫微,王丽,周晗,唐丽杰,李一经.用于猪传染性胃肠炎病毒检测的DPO引物组、含有该引物组的试剂盒及其应用.发明专利号:ZL 201711241581.8

    16. 徐义刚,李丹丹,刘忠梅,吴岩,李苏龙,刘新亮.用于制备抗猪瘟病毒转基因乳酸菌制剂的重组表达载体.发明专利号:ZL 201310185515.9

    15. 徐义刚,刘忠梅,吴岩,李丹丹,李苏龙.利用DPO-PCR方法检测沙门氏菌的DPO引物序列及检测试剂盒.发明专利号:ZL201310165580.5

    14. 徐义刚,吴岩,李丹丹,刘忠梅,刘新亮,李苏龙.利用LAMP检测溶藻弧菌的引物组及其快速诊断试剂盒.发明专利号:ZL201210357421.0

    13. 徐义刚,王丽,李一经,唐丽杰,乔薪瑗.一种同时表达产气荚膜梭菌α、β2、ε、β1外毒素的重组乳酸杆菌及其构建方法和应用.发明专利号:ZL 201710229189.5

    12. 徐义刚,李丹丹,张柏棋,刘忠梅,李苏龙.一种基于DPO引物检测布氏杆菌的引物序列及其检测试剂盒.发明专利号:ZL201310165560.8

    11. 徐义刚,王丽,唐丽杰,马孙婷,李一经.一种鸡骨髓源树突状细胞靶向肽SP及其用途. 发明专利号:ZL 201711448093.4

    10. 李丹丹,徐义刚,张体银,安微,杨俊兴,邱索平,王绥家,陈文慧,陈平亚.一种检测旋毛虫、弓形虫和血吸虫的多重DPO-PCR引物组合及方法.发明专利号:ZL 201710067858.3

    9. 李丹丹,徐义刚,高慎阳,蔡波.同时检测三种链球菌的三重实时荧光PCR方法及试剂盒.发明专利号:ZL 201410425186.5

    8. 李丹丹,徐义刚,高慎阳,王绥家.利用DPO-PCR方法检测溶藻弧菌的DPO引物序列及检测试剂盒.发明专利号:ZL 201410162619.2

    7. 李一经,徐义刚,王丽,唐丽杰,马孙婷.一种鸡骨髓源树突状细胞靶向肽AH及其用途.发明专利号:ZL 201711446581.1

    6. 刘忠梅,徐义刚,李淑云,李苏龙,曲敏,莫春生.利用Tem-PCR技术检测多种致病菌的PCR检测通用引物对.发明专利号:ZL 201410249870.2

    5. 李苏龙,徐义刚,鞠文东,程成,刘忠梅,肖性龙.一种肉及肉制品中沙门氏菌活菌DNA检测的前处理方法.发明专利号:ZL201310690144.X

    4. 唐丽杰,李一经,徐义刚,王丽,乔薪瑗,姜艳平,崔文,李佳璇.4型蓝舌病病毒VP2蛋白中和性B细胞抗原表位多肽及其应用.发明专利号:ZL 201710116956.1

    3. 李丹丹,高慎阳,徐义刚,邱索平.猴三种逆转录病毒的三重实时荧光定量PCR检测方法.发明专利号:ZL 201610087475.8

    2. 唐丽杰,李一经,徐义刚,乔薪瑗,王丽,臧明鑫,武啸,李佳璇.蓝舌病病毒VP7蛋白群特异性抗原表位多肽及其应用.发明专利号:ZL 201611112486.3

    1. 唐丽杰,李一经,徐义刚,王丽,乔薪瑗,刘敏,刘琦,李佳璇,臧明鑫.抗蓝舌病病毒血清4型VP2蛋白的单克隆抗体,分泌该单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株及用途.发明专利号:ZL 201610533234.1

  • 制定标准

    1.进出境猴麻疹病毒病检疫技术规范,出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 4067-2014,2014-11-19发布,主要起草人:李丹丹、徐义刚、艾军、季新成、徐维加、林志雄、吴山楠、黄纪徽。

    2.出口植物源性食品中百草枯和敌草快残留量的测定:液相色谱-质谱/质谱法,出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 0293-2014,2014-01-13发布,主要起草人:吴岩、康庆贺、徐义刚、魏冬旭、沈睿至、刘永、杨长志、张瑞、王树奇。

    3.出口食品中二硝甲酚残留量的测定:液相色谱-质谱/质谱法,出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 0707-2014,2014-01-13发布,主要起草人:康庆贺、吴岩、魏冬旭、徐义刚、沈睿至、刘永、杨长志、张莹、赵雨、孟祥瑞。

    4.绵羊肺腺瘤病检疫技术规范,出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 3484-2013,2013-03-01发布,主要起草人:张子群、吴永生、徐义刚、谢晓峰、由轩、胡晓亮。

    5.出口食品中苯磺酰氯胺钠和对甲苯磺酰氯胺钠残留量的测定:气相色谱-质谱/质谱法,出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 4014-2013,2013-11-06发布,主要起草人:吴岩、王传松、胡珅、徐义刚、姜冰、勾越、魏冬旭、沈睿至、刘永。

    6.犬瘟热诊断方法,出入境检验检疫行业标准SN/T 2428-2010,2010-01-10发布,主要起草人:张子群、谢晓峰、邱志芹、何浩、徐义刚、李维刚、由轩、金宁。
