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  • 教育背景

    博士(2002/02-2004/06): 浙江大学动物科学学院,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业

    硕士(1996/09-1999/06): 浙江大学动物科学学院,动物遗传育种与繁殖专业

    学士(1989/09-1993/06): 河南师范大学生物系,生物专业

  • 工作经历

    2019/06 - 至今:浙江农林大学,欧洲杯竞猜官网推荐入口、动物医学院,教授

    2018/02 - 2019/05:浙江大学,动物科学学院,副教授

    2014/12 - 2018/02: 哈佛大学,医学院遗传系,访问科学家、研究员

    2006/09 - 2014/12:浙江大学,动物科学学院,副教授

    2004/09 - 2006/09: 美国加州州立大学洛杉矶分校,生物系,博士后

    1999/08 - 2004/09: 浙江大学,动物科学学院,讲师

    2004/01 - 2004/04: 美国爱荷华州立大学,农业与生命科学学院,访问学者

    2001/06 - 2001/08: 日本东京农工大学,兽医系,访问学者

    1993/08 - 1996/08: 河南省新乡市国营755厂中学,教师

  • 课程教学

    1. 生理学(本科)

    2. 动物繁殖学(本科)

    3. 现代生物学进展(双语)(本科)

    4. 细胞生物学(双语)(本科)

    5. 动物繁殖理论与生物技术(研究生)

  • 获奖荣誉






  • 研究方向






  • 科研项目














    13.人beta防御素2与表皮生长因子融合表达及产物加工的研究。浙江省自然科学基金(Y204348,5万元, 2005.1-2007.12)

    14.Studies on the genetic diversity of Chinese native chicken breeds。国际科学基金(IFS,瑞典)(B/3370-1,9.68万元,2003.01-2005.12)


  • 发表论文

    发表论文 (SCI收录)

    1.Yu Liu, Yifan Niu, Xiang Ma, Yun Xiang, De Wu, Weifen Li*, Tao Wang*, Dong Niu*. Porcine endogenous retrovirus: classification, molecular structure, regulation, function, and potential risk in xenotransplantation. Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2023, 23(1):60.

    2.Wang Y, Li SH, Yang SJ, Li XQ, Liu L, Ma X, Niu D*, Duan X*. Exposure to phenanthrene affects oocyte meiosis by inducing mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Cell Proliferation. 2023, 56(1):e13335.

    3.Zhou YT, Li R, Li SH, Ma X, Liu L, Niu D*, Duan X*. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) exposure affects early embryonic development and offspring oocyte quality via inducing mitochondrial dysfunction. Environment International. 2022, 167:107413.

    4.Xiao-Qing Li, Yi Wang, Shu-Jie Yang, Yu Liu, Xiang Ma, Lu Liu, Si-Hong Li, Dong Niu*, Xing Duan*. Melatonin protects against maternal diabetes-associated meiotic defects by maintaining mitochondrial function. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2022, 188: 386–394.

    5.Ma X, Zeng W, Wang L, Cheng R, Zhao Z, Huang C, Sun Z, Tao P, Wang T, Zhang J, Liu L *, Duan X *, Niu D *. Validation of reliable safe harbor locus for efficient porcine transgenesis. Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2022, 22(4):553-563.

    6.Jian-Zhou Shang , Shi-Ru Li , Xiao-Qing Li , Yu-Ting Zhou , Xiang Ma , Lu Liu , Dong Niu*, Xing Duan*. Simazine perturbs the maturational competency of mouse oocyte through inducing oxidative stress and DNA damage. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2022, 230:113105.

    7.Dong Niu#, Kun-Lin Chen#, Yi Wang, Xiao-Qing Li, Lu Liu, Xiang Ma, Xing Duan*. Hexestrol deteriorates oocyte quality via perturbation of mitochondrial dynamics and function. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021, 9:708980.

    8.Dong Niu#, Xiang Ma#, Taoyan Yuan#, Yifan Niu#, Yibin Xu, Zhongxin Sun, Yuan Ping, Weifen Li, Jufang Zhang*, Tao Wang*, George M. Church*. Porcine genome engineering for xenotransplantation. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 2021, 168:229-245.

    9.Taoyan Yuan, Wanqiu Zhao, Yifan Niu, Yan Fu, Lizhi Lu*, Dong Niu*. Exploration of the temporal-spatial expression pattern and DNA methylation-related regulation of the duck telomerase reverse transcriptase gene. Poultry Science. 2019, 98(8):3257-3267.

    10.Tao Wan, Dong Niu, Chuanbin Wu, Fu-Jian Xu, George Church, Yuan Ping. Material Solutions for Delivery of CRISPR/Cas-Based Genome Editing Tools: Current Status and Future Outlook. Materials Today. 2019, 26:40-66.

    11. Junwang Tang, Qianqian Fang, Rongyi Shao, Junda Shen, Jun He, Dong Niu*, Lizhi Lu*. Digital gene-expression profiling analysis of the fatty liver of Landes geese fed different supplemental oils. Gene. 2018, 673:32-45.

    12. Junwang Tang, Maxue Lu, Qianqian Fang, Feizhen Lu, Rongyi Shao, Junda Shen, Dailin Lu, Jun He, Lizhi Lu*, Dong Niu*. Effects of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate on growth performance, fatty liver, intestine morphology, and serum parameters of overfed geese. Animal Production Science. 2018, 58(10):1876-1884.

    13.Junwang Tang, Qianqian Fang, Maxue Lu, Rongyi Shao, Junda Shen, Lizhi Lu* , Dong Niu*. The effect of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate on fatty liver and the composition of the intestinal microbiota in overfed Landes geese. Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science. 2018, 20(2):393-402.

    14.Niu D#, Wei HJ#, Lin L#, George H#, Wang T#, Lee IH#, Zhao HY, Wang Y, Kan Y, Shrock E, Lesha E, Wang G, Luo Y, Qing Y, Jiao D, Zhao H, Zhou X, Wang S, Wei H, Güell M*, Church GM*, Yang L*. Inactivation of porcine endogenous retrovirus in pigs using CRISPR-Cas9. Science. 2017, 357(6357):1303-1307.

    15. Güell M#, Niu D#, Kan Y#, George H, Wang T, Lee IH, Wang G, Church G, Yang L*. PERV inactivation is necessary to guarantee absence of pig-to-patient PERVs transmission in xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation. 2017, 24(6): e12366.

    16.Yuan T, Sun Z, Zhao W, Wang T, Zhang J, Niu D*. Phoenixin: a newly discovered peptide with multi-functions. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2017, 24(6):472-475.

    17.He J, Tian Y, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Tao Z, Li G, Niu D, Lu L, Lu Y. MiR-144 affects fatty acid composition by regulating ELOVL6 expression in duck hepatocytes. Cell Biology International. 2017, 41(6):691-696.

    18.Du X, Liu Y, Lu L, Wang W, Zeng T, Tian Y, Xu X, Shen J, Niu D*, Lu Y*. Effects of dietary fats on egg quality and lipid parameters in serum and yolks of Shan Partridge Duck. Poultry Science. 2017, 96(5):1184-1190.

    19.He J, Wang W, Lu L, Tian Y, Niu D, Ren J, Dong L, Sun S, Zhao Y, Chen L, Shen J, Li X. Analysis of miRNAs and their target genes associated with lipid metabolism in duck liver. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6:27418.

    20.Yang L#, Güell M#, Niu D#, George H#, Lesha E, Grishin D, Aach J, Shrock E, Xu W, Poci J, Cortazio R, Wilkinson RA, Fishman JA, Church G*. Genome-wide inactivation of porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs). Science. 2015, 350(6264):1101-1104.

    21.Bingbing Wu, Taoyan Yuan, Ruili Qi, Jun He, Imran R. Rajput, Weifen Li, Yan Fu, Dong Niu*. Construction, expression and characterization of a single chain variable fragment antibody against human myostatin. Protein & Peptide Letters. 2014, 21(1): 45-51.

    22.Dong Niu, Qinfang Shen, Junli Zhu, Jiangmei Liu, Jiajie Yuan, Shuang Tan, Xuping Yu. Construction and application of the vectors to identify genes encoding exported proteins. Molecular Biology Reports. 2013, 40(10):5907-12.

    23.Jun He, Yong Tian, Jinjun Li, Junda Shen, Zhengrong Tao, Yan Fu, Dong Niu*, Lizhi Lu*. Expression pattern of L-FABP gene in different tissues and its regulation of fat metabolism-related genes in duck. Molecular Biology Reports. 2013, 40(1):189-95.

    24.Jun He, Jiucheng Chen, Lizhi Lu, Yong Tian, Zhengrong Tao, Deqian Wang, Jinjun Li, Guoqin Li, Junda Shen, Yan Fu, Dong Niu*. A novel SNP of liver-type fatty acid-binding protein gene in duck and its associations with the intramuscular fat. Molecular Biology Reports. 2012, 39(2):1073-1077.

    25.Jun He, Yong Tian, Jinjun Li, Junda Shen, Zhengrong Tao, Yan Fu, Dong Niu*, Lizhi Lu*. Expression pattern of adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein gene in different tissues and its regulation of genes related to adipocyte differentiation in duck. Poultry Science. 2012, 91(9):2270-2274.

    26.Bingbing Wu, Ruili Qi, Bin Li, Taoyan Yuan, Heshan Liu, Jun He, Zhiwei Lin, Weifen Li, Yan Fu, Dong Niu*. Effect of active immunization against a recombinant mouse granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor / somatostatin fusion protein on the growth of mice. Molecular Biology Reports. 2012, 39(6):6773-6779.

    27.Bingbing Wu, Taoyan Yuan, Ruili Qi, Jun He, Yan Fu, Dong Niu, Weifen Li*. Effect of immunization with a recombinant cholera toxin B subunit/somatostatin fusion protein on immune response and growth hormone levels in mice. Biotechnology Letters. 2012, 34(12): 2199-2203.

    28.Zhiguo Li, Fang Liu, Wenfeng Li, Shaowu Zhang, Dong Niu, Haisheng Xu,Qihua Hong, Shenglu Chen & Songkun Su. Differential transcriptome profiles of heads from foragers: comparison between Apis mellifera ligustica and Apis cerana cerana. Apidologie. 2012, 43(5): 487-500.

    29.Jun He, Lizhi Lu, Yong Tian, Zhengrong Tao, Deqian Wang, Jinjun Li, Guoqin Li, Junda Shen, Yan Fu, Dong Niu*. Analysis of intramuscular fat and fatty acids of different duck breeds and their association with SNPs of duck A-FABP gene. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 2011, 91(4): 593-596.

    30. Liu WM, Zhang J, Lu LZ, Shi FX, Niu D, Wang DL, Yu B, Tao ZR, Shen JD, Wang DQ, Tian Y. Effects of perilla extract on productive performance, serum values and hepatic expression of lipid-related genes in Shaoxing ducks. British Poultry Science. 2011, 52(3):381-387.

    31.Dong Niu, Xu-xia Zhou, Tao-yan Yuan, Zhi-wei Lin, Hui Ruan, Wei-fen Li. Effect of the C-terminal domains and terminal residues of catalytic domain on enzymatic activity and thermostability of lichenase from Clostridium thermocellum. Biotechnology Letters. 2010, 32(7):963–967.

  • 授权专利


    1.牛冬,汪滔,王德华,王磊,程锐,曾为俊,马翔. CRISPR/Cas9系统及其在构建胰岛素受体底物基因缺陷的猪源重组细胞中的应用. 专利号:ZL202010084343.6

    2.牛冬,汪滔,马翔,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,赵泽英. 制备ADDI四个基因联合敲除的重症免疫缺陷猪源重组细胞的方法及其专用试剂盒. 专利号:ZL202011007025.6

    3.牛冬,汪滔,王德华,王磊,程锐,曾为俊,马翔. gRNA靶点组合在构建血友病模型猪细胞系中的应用. 专利号:ZL201910823017.X

    4.牛冬,汪滔,陶裴裴,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,马翔,赵泽英,刘璐,黄彩云. 一种用于构建先天性黑蒙症克隆猪核供体细胞的CRISPR/Cas9系统及其应用. 专利号:ZL202011178268.6

    5.牛冬,汪滔,马翔,刘璐,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,陶裴裴,赵泽英,黄彩云. 用于ADCY3 基因编辑的CRISPR 系统及其在构建肥胖症猪核移植供体细胞中应用. 专利号:ZL202011300411.4

    6.牛冬,汪滔,刘璐,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,赵泽英,马翔,黄彩云. 用于构建TPH2基因突变的抑郁症克隆猪核供体细胞的CRISPR/Cas9系统. 专利号:ZL202011343904.6

    7.牛冬,汪滔,王德华,王磊,程锐,曾为俊,马翔. Cas9过表达载体及其构建方法和应用. 专利号:ZL201910823019.9

    8.牛冬,汪滔,王德华,王磊,程锐,曾为俊,马翔. CRISPR/Cas9系统及其在构建α,β和α&β地中海贫血模型猪细胞系中的应用. 专利号:ZL201910890978.2

    9.牛冬,汪滔,陶裴裴,刘瑜,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,赵泽英,马翔,黄彩云. CRISPR系统及其在构建SCN1A基因突变的癫痫性脑病克隆猪核供体细胞中的应用. 专利号:ZL2020115544282

    10.牛冬,汪滔,陶裴裴,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,马翔,赵泽英,刘璐,黄彩云. CRISPR系统及其在构建LRP5基因突变的骨质疏松症克隆猪核供体细胞中的应用. 专利号:ZL202011168189.7

    11.牛冬, 汪滔, 马翔, 曾为俊, 王磊, 程锐, 赵泽英, 陶裴裴, 黄彩云. 一种构建瘦肉率高,生长快的优质猪核移植供体细胞的基因编辑系统及其应用. 专利号:ZL202110175618.1

    12.牛冬, 汪滔, 马翔, 曾为俊, 刘璐, 王磊, 程锐, 赵泽英, 段星, 陶裴裴, 黄彩云. 构建瘦肉率高,生长快且抗蓝耳病和系列腹泻病的优质猪核移植供体细胞的方法及其应用. 专利号:ZL202110197015.1

    13.牛冬,汪滔,陶裴裴,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,赵泽英,马翔. 用于构建骨质疏松症克隆猪核供体细胞系的OPG基因编辑系统及其应用. 专利号:ZL202011421197.8

    14.牛冬,汪滔,马翔,刘璐,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,赵泽英,陶裴裴,黄彩云. 用于构建MC4R基因突变的肥胖症猪核移植供体细胞的CRISPR系统及其应用. 专利号:ZL202011504254.9

    15.牛冬, 汪滔, 马翔, 曾为俊, 刘璐, 王磊, 程锐, 赵泽英, 段星, 陶裴裴, 黄彩云. 构建瘦肉率高,生长快,繁殖力高且抗系列流行病的优质猪核移植供体细胞的方法及其应用. 专利号:ZL202110196591.4

    16.牛冬,汪滔,陶裴裴,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,赵泽英,马翔,黄彩云. CRISPR系统及其在构建STXBP1 突变的癫痫性脑病克隆猪核供体细胞中的应用. 专利号:ZL2021101061680

    17.牛冬,汪滔,马翔,刘璐,曾为俊,王磊,程锐,赵泽英,陶裴裴,黄彩云. 用于构建双基因联合敲除的动脉粥样硬化猪核移植供体细胞的CRISPR 系统及其应用. 专利号:ZL2021100657329

    18.牛冬. 一种口服免疫阻断猪生长抑素作用的转化子及其应用. 专利号:ZL201010219045.X

    19.牛冬. 一种口服免疫阻断鸡抑制素作用的转化子及其应用. 专利号:ZL201010238089.7

    20.牛冬. 一种口服免疫阻断鸡肌抑素作用的转化子及其应用. 专利号:ZL201010238116.0

    21.牛冬. 一种口服免疫阻断鸡生长抑素作用的转化子及其应用. 专利号:ZL201010238086.3
