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许成钢,博士,教授,博士生导师。中科院青年创新促进会会员,山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头人,入选省级人才专项。主要从事畜禽肠道和自然环境厌氧梭菌的功能基因组学和分子遗传学研究。目前在Nature Communications、Bioresource Technology、Biotechnology for Biofuels、Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology等杂志发表30余篇学术论文,授权专利3项。主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,浙江省自然科学基金重点项目1项,山西省自然科学基金优秀青年项目1项,并参与多项国家重点研发计划和国家科技支撑计划课题。

  • 通讯地址





  • 教育背景

    博士(2003/09-2008/06): 山西大学生物技术研究所,生物化学与分子生物学专业

    学士(1999/09-2003/06): 山西大学生命科学学院,生物技术专业

  • 工作经历

    2022/07 - 至今:浙江农林大学欧洲杯竞猜官网推荐入口 教授

    2017/02 - 2022/06:山西大学生物技术研究所教授

    2008/07 - 2017/01:中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所 助理研究员、副研究员、项目研究员

  • 学术兼职


  • 课程教学


  • 获奖荣誉


  • 研究方向





  • 科研项目

    1.转录后水平控制细菌蛋白复合体化学计量比的机制研究-以ATP合成酶为例. 浙江省自然科学基金重点项目(Z24C010001, 2024.01-2026.12)

    2.高效降解木质纤维素的人工纤维小体的分子设计与自组装. 浙江农林大学林学领域标志性论文培育项目(202360002205, 2023.07-2024.12)

    3.浙江农林大学科研发展基金项目. (2022LFR065,2022.08-2027.08)

    4.SpyTag/SpyCatcher介导人工纤维小体的分子设计与自组装.国家自然科学基金面上项目(32170053, 2022.1-2025.12)

    5.高效降解利用酒糟微生物的筛选. 山西大学杏花村学院开发课题(XCSXU-KF-202021, 2021.1-2021.12)

    6.纤维小体骨架蛋白的分子设计及其与酶亚基协同效应研究. 山西省应用基础研究计划优秀青年基金项目(201901D211195, 2019.09-2022.09)

    7.sRNA作为核糖开关调控纤维小体表达的分子机制. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31871252, 2019.01-2022.12)

    8.选择性RNA剪切和保护调控纤维小体化学计量的分子机制研究. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31571282, 2016.01-2019.12)

    9.碳代谢抑制作用调控纤维小体表达的分子机制研究. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31200029, 2013.01-2015.12)

    10.细菌酶复合体纤维素降解转化机理和纤维小体的解析、重构. 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目子课题(2011CB707404, 2013.01-2015.08)

    11.纤维素高温整合生物加工生产液体燃料. 国家科技支撑计划子课题(2011BAD22B02-01, 2011.01-2013.12)

  • 发表论文


    1.Wang D, You M, Qiu Z, Li P, Qiao M, Xu C*. Development of an efficient ClosTron system for gene disruption in Ruminiclostridium papyrosolvens. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023, 107: 1801-1812.

    2.Wang N, Li P, Cheng Y, Song H*, Xu C*. Stem-loop structures control mRNA processing of the cellulosomal cip cel operon in Ruminiclostridium cellulolyticum. Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2023, 16: 106.

    3.You M, Zhao Q, Liu Y, Zhang W, Shen Z, Ren Z*, Xu C*. Insights into lignocellulose degradation: comparative genomics of anaerobic and cellulolytic Ruminiclostridium type species. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023, 14: 1288286.

    4.Cheng Y, Wang N, Ren Z, Xu C*. Development of fluorescence-based nucleic acid blot hybridization method using Cy5.5 labeled DNA probes. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2022, 197: 106479.

    5.Wu S, You M, Wang N, Ren Z, Xu C*. Internal transcription terminators control stoichiometry of ABC transporters in cellulolytic clostridia. Microbiology Spectrum. 2022, 10(2): e01656-21.

    6.Wang N, Yan Z, Liu N, Zhang X, Xu C*. Synergy of Cellulase Systems between Acetivibrio thermocellus and Thermoclostridium stercorarium in Consolidated-Bioprocessing for Cellulosic Ethanol. Microorganisms. 2022, 10(3): 502.

    7.Cheng Y, Jiang Y, Ren Z, Fu Y, Xu C*. Development of an in vivo methylation system for transformation of Ruminiclostridium cellulolyticum. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2022, 132(3): 1926-1935.

    8.Wang C, Jia Q, Guo X, Li K, Chen W, Shen Q, Xu C, Fu Y. microRNA-34 family: From mechanism to potential applications. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2022, 144:106168.

    9.Bhaskar Y, Su X, Xu C, Xu J. Predicting Selective RNA Processing and Stabilization Operons in Clostridium spp. Frontier in Microbiology. 2021, 12:673349.

    10.Jiang Y, Fu Y, Ren Z, Gou H, Xu C*. Screening and application of inducible promoters in Ruminiclostridium papyrosolvens. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2020, 71(4):428-436.

    11.Ren Z, You W, Wu S, Poetsch A*, Xu C*. Secretomic analyses of Ruminiclostridium papyrosolvens reveal its enzymatic basis for lignocellulose degradation. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2019, 12:183.

    12.Wei L, Xu C, Liang A, Fu Y. Insect-resistant mechanism of recombinant baculovirus AcMNPV-PK2-EGFP against Spodoptera exigua larvae. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2019, 24: 638-645.

    13.Zou X, Ren Z, Wang N, Cheng Y, Jiang Y, Wang Y, Xu C*. Function analysis of 5'-UTR of the cellulosomalxyl-doc cluster in Clostridium papyrosolvens. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2018, 11:43.

    14.Teng L, Wang K, Xu J, Xu C*. Flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-based fluorescent protein (FbFP) as reporter for promoter screening in Clostridium cellulolyticum. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2015, 119: 37-43.3.

    15.Xu C, Huang R, Teng L, Jing X, Hu J, Cui G, Wang Y, Cui Q, Xu J. Cellulosome stoichiometrty in Clostridium cellulolyticum is regulated by selective RNA processing and stabilization. Nature Communications. 2015, 6:6900.

    16.Cui G, Zhang J, Hong W, Xu C, Feng Y, Cui Q, Liu Y. Improvement of ClosTron for successive gene disruption in Clostridium cellulolyticum using a pyrF-based screening system. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology. 2014, 98(1):313-23.

    17.Xu C, Huang R, Teng L, Wang D, Hemme CL, Borovok I, He Q, Lamed R, Bayer EA, Zhou J, Xu J. Structure and regulation of the cellulose degradome in Clostridium cellulolyticum. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2013, 6:73.

    18.Fu Y, Yang R, Liang A, Xu C, Hu C. Recombinant scorpion insect excitatory toxin BmK IT accelerates the growth of insect Spodoptera frugiperda 9 cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2011, 351(1-2):93-8.

    19.Xu C, Qin Y, Li Y, Ji Y, Song H, Xu J. Factors influencing cellulosome activity in Consolidated-Bioprocessing of cellulosic ethanol. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(24): 9560-9569.

    20.Xu C, Fan X, Fu Y, Liang A. Effect of location of the His-tag on the production of soluble and functional Buthusmartensii Karsch insect toxin. Protein Expression and Purification. 2008, 59(1):103-9.

    21.Yin L, Fu Y, Xu Q, Yang J, Liu Z, Liang A, Fan X, Xu C. Potential biochemical therapy of glioma cancer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2007, 362(2):225-9.

    22.Hao C, Xu C, Wang W, Chai B, Liang A. Expression of an insect excitatory toxin, BmK IT, from the scorpion, Buthusmartensii Karsch, and its biological activity. Biotechnology Letters. 2005, 27(23-24):1929-34.


    1.王娜, 李苹, 邱子立, 许成钢*. 基于荧光染料 Cy5.5 标记的引物延伸法鉴定细菌RNA 剪切加工位点. 微生物学通报. 2023, 50(6): 2666-2676.

    2.刘娜, 闫治华, 申哲伟, 许成钢*. 解纤维梭菌纤维小体黏附域与锚定域相互作用的差异性. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报. 2022, 38(12): 1651-1660.

    3.闫治华, 刘娜, 刘远声, 许成钢*. 人工纤维小体骨架蛋白的分子设计与自组装. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报. 2022, 38(12): 1694-1702.

    4.吴莎莎, 李苹, 王娜, 许成钢*. 作用于cip-cel mRNA的核糖核酸内切酶的鉴定. 微生物学报. 2022, 62(5): 1864–1875.

    5.Wang N, You M, Ren Z, Xu C*. Development of a method to identify bacterial RNA processing sites based on high-throughput sequencing. Chinese Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology (中国生物化学与分子生物学报). 2020, 36(6):715-723.

    6.王琨, 滕琳, 许成钢, 杨晓红, 徐健. 超声波介导的微生物细胞转化. 微生物学通报. 2013, 40(9): 1696-1702.

    7.Hao C, Xu C, Zhang Z, Liang A. Polyclonal Antibody against an Insect Excitatory Toxin BmKIT fromButhusMartensii Karsch and Detection of BmK IT Expressed in Transgenic Cotton. High Technology Letters. 2008, 14(2):220-224.

    8.许成钢, 付月君, 梁爱华. 大肠杆菌二硫键异构酶DsbC的表达、纯化及活性分析. 山西大学学报(自然科学版). 2008, 31(2): 258-261.

    9.许成钢, 范晓军, 张志云, 付月君, 梁爱华. Intein介导的重组昆虫毒素BmK IT在大肠杆菌中的可溶性表达、纯化及活性分析. 生物工程学报. 2007, 23(6):989-94.

    10.许成钢, 范晓军, 付月君, 梁爱华. 二硫键的形成与蛋白质的氧化折叠. 中国生物工程杂志. 2008, 28(6s):259~264.

    11.范晓军, 许成钢, 柴宝峰, 王伟, 梁爱华. 温度和pH值对重组杆状病毒(AcMNPV -BmK IT-Chi)的毒力影响. 应用与环境生物学报. 2007, 13(3): 338-340.

  • 出版刊物


  • 授权专利

    1.许成钢, 滕琳, 徐健. 一种厌氧梭菌组成型高效表达启动子及其应用.发明专利号: ZL201510621010.1.

    2.许成钢, 滕琳, 徐健. 一种厌氧梭菌木聚糖诱导型启动子及其应用.发明专利号: ZL201510621152.8.

    3.许成钢, 王艺霖, 滕琳, 徐健. 一种原核细胞转录后水平控制不同基因表达比例的方法.发明专利号: ZL201610833323.8.
